Seethi Sahib higher secondery school gave send off to CI Vinod sir under the leadership of SPC.
In the north sub-district talent search exam Adil Farhan got first prize and Sufaira KP got 2nd prize. from higher secondery section Sufais Abdul Khader got 1st prize.
14 Students got scholarship in NMMS exam during 015-16. More children got NMMS amoung other schools in kannur Dt during the past three years.
We Celebrated Environmental Day under SPC. SI Rajesh pleaded a tree and gave class to the students.
As part of golden dreams 'safety' Jasees National President Rajasree Babu inagurated Napkin burning machine.
We got 98% result in SSLC. 27 students got full A+. 100% result in english medium past eleven years.